Build and Deliver SAP HANA development

Like many others we're getting ready for the explosion in in-memory computing, and are focusing our efforts on SAP HANA.
With our history of 17 years of web development experience we're qualified to deliver SAP HANA projects using custom server-side javascript and SAPUI5 as the client.
Please contact us for more information about our SAP HANA services.
Build and Deliver SAP integration

SAP Process Integration (PI) is one of the most popular integration tools for the enterprise. For businesses already running SAP ERP, SRM or CRM it the first choice for managing the spaghetti of ad hoc integrations that many companies find they have.
Build and Deliver can help unravel the spaghetti of application-to-application Web services using SAP PI giving you a clearer picture of where data flows within and outside of your company.
Please contact us for more information about our SAP PI services.
ClickSoftware development and integration solutions
Make the most of your investment in SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization by ClickSoftware (WSO) solution using our analysis, design, integration and development expertise.
Build And Deliver recognise that business needs change over the life-cycle of an implementation and so will the code that we implement. That's why we put maintainability and reliability at the heart of any Service Optimization server implementation.
Our agile development methodology will dramatically reduce the time it takes to code your solution. As part of any engagement we share our method and experience with your in-house developers. We are confident that our methods dramatically reduce the time do deliver a solution and the time it takes new developers to come up to speed.
Build And Deliver Pty Ltd have experienced SAP developers and ClickSchedule certified developers available for new implementations, version upgrades and ClickSchedule, ClickMobile and Service Optimization server custom development.
SAP integration
Build And Deliver have experience in integrating SAP HR, PM/CS and PP with SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization by ClickSoftware(WSO). Depending on your version of SAP and SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization by ClickSoftware(WSO), we can integrate SAP via the Wessendorf interface or SAP PI. We can also help you upgrade from Wessendorf to SAP PI.
ServiceOptimization Suite custom events and agents
We can deliver specific enhancements to your implementation like custom Service Optimization server-side events or custom agents. We can also review existing code to optimize its performance.
SXP messaging and system integration
Whether integrating with SAP (via the Wessendorf interface or SAP PI) or to other ERP or CRM systems our development methodology will dramatically reduce the time it takes to code your solution while increasing its maintainability and reliability.